Up_to_date_with_ me: AIX commands used for Tivoli

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Showing posts with label AIX commands used for Tivoli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AIX commands used for Tivoli. Show all posts

Saturday 27 June 2015

Useful AIX commands used for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)

Useful AIX commands used for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)

# cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

# nohup dsmc sched  &     

2) How to start TSM web client services in AIX ?

nohup dsmcad &   

3) How to start B/A client in web-browser ?


4) How to start the TSM LANFree storage agent services in AIX ?

# cd  /usr/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/bin

nohup ./dsmsta &        

5) How to check the TSM services are running in AIX ?

ps -ef | grep -i  dsmserv    

6) How to start the TSM services in AIX ?

For TSM 5.5 --> # cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
For TSM 6.X --> # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin

and then run below command to start in background

./dsmserv &

7) How to kill the TSM services in AIX ?

First check the services by using ---- > ps -ef | grep -i dsmserv

It will list out the process id's, then cancel the process id by using below command

kill -9 <PID no>

8) How to check the tape devices list in AIX ?

lsdev -Cc tape

9) How to check the adapters in AIX ?

lsdev -Cc adapter

10) How to check the errors in OS level in AIX ?

errpt -a 

11) How to check the tape serial number in AIX ?

lscfg -vpl <devicename> (Ex- rmt1)

12) How to create the new file in AIX ?

cat>file name   OR
touch <filename>    OR
vi <filename>

13) How  to read last 200 lines in any file ?

tail -200 <filename>

14) How to check the file size in AIX ?

df -k <filesystemname> (To check in kbs)

df -m <filesystemname>(To check in mbs)

df -g <filesystemname> (To check in gbs)

15) How to verify the list of files in a directory ?

ls -ltr

16) How to change the ownership of the file ?

chown username:groupname <filename>

17) How to copy the file from one dir to another dir ?

cp <filename> /dir/dir/<filename>

18) How to check  the IP address in AIX ?

ifconfig -a

19) How to check the hostname of the server ?

# hostname

20) How to check the communication b/w from one server to another server in AIX ?

ping ipaddress

21) How to check if the port number is working or not in AIX ?

netstat -an <portnumber>

exnetstat -an 1500

22) How to create a new directory in AIX ?

mkdir <directoryname>

23) how to move (cut/paste) the files form one directory to another directory in AIX?

mv   /dir1/dir2<filename>  /dir4/dir5/dir6/<filename>

24) To remove/delete the directory and files in AIX ?

rmdir -r <dirname>       -r --> deletes subdirectories also

25) To check which software applications are installed in AIX ?

To check TSM, run ------- >   lslpp - l tivoli.tsm*

26) How to edit any file, for example dsm.sys file ?

vi dsm.sys

use i to go to insert mode, a to append mode , x to delete letters

27) How to change permissions of a file/directory ?

 # chmod 777 <file/dirname>

28) How to configure tape devices in AIX ?

Running cfgmgr command will scan all the devices attached to the AIX machine

# cfgmgr

29) How to install any software packages in AIX ?

using # smitty installp OR

# installp -agXd /softwares/install.bin
Ex: # installp -agXd .tsmsoft/install.bin

30) How to uninstall software packages for example all the tsm client softwares ?

# smitty remove tivoli.tsm.*

# installp -ug tivoli.tsm.*

Go to /opt/tivoli/tsm/_uninst and run  ./Uninstall_Tivoli_Storage_Manager -i console command  

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