Up_to_date_with_ me: Linux

Why we live in an anti-tech age

Complex planning -- and true innovation -- is out of fashion, argues PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel

Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Linux. Show all posts

Monday, 25 April 2016

Linux Introduction

Linux Introduction     UNIX is the first Operating system in the world, developed by Kem Thompson and Dennis        Ritchie in 1969 at Bell Lab by AT&T Company             IBM    :           AIX             SGI     :           IRIX             Sun     :           Solaris             Free...

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Saturday, 4 July 2015

How Linux is Constructed? The Linux Foundation has published a very well done video that explains the process of creating the Linux kernel. The video also gives some interesting figures on the operating system itself. Among the interesting figures, we learn for example that every day more than 850,000 phones in Linux are activated, only 9 of 10 supercomputers run on Linux. Google, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon are using Linux. ...

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Knockd :: Secure your Server connections

Knockd :: Secure your Server connections Knockd is a small daemon which allows, deny your network connection to your server. The allocated ports on your machine wait for a specific sequence of connections on the ports which you have defined. If the specified sequence is executed in the correct order, the daemon will open the port and allow connection for a certain time on the ssh port. Thus, from an external point of view the server has no open...

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System & Network Permissions

System & Network Permissions Linux is a system in which each person who is waiting to connect must have a user name and password. Each file belongs to a user and a group has different permissions (read, write, execute) for users, groups and everyone. By default, when you create a file it automatically belongs to the user and his group. Users are stored in the file / etc / passwd. We can add a user using the adduser command. Similarly, you can delete a user with deluser order. The groups are defined in the / etc / group file and used to...

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