Up_to_date_with_ me: Hacking Tricks

Why we live in an anti-tech age

Complex planning -- and true innovation -- is out of fashion, argues PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel

Showing posts with label Hacking Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking Tricks. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 July 2015

5 Steps to Migrating Website Without (or Minimal) Downtime

5 Steps to Migrating Website Without (or Minimal) Downtime Numerous emerging technologies make it exceedingly easy to move a website from one host to another. However, no matter how fast the speed of transfer, the average customer may experience some downtime during the transfer process. Depending on what goes on behind the scenes, the transfer of DNS servers between the old and new web hosts can cause a domain to go dark for between...

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