Useful AIX commands used for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) ~ Up_to_date_with_ me

Saturday 27 June 2015

Useful AIX commands used for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)

Useful AIX commands used for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)

# cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

# nohup dsmc sched  &     

2) How to start TSM web client services in AIX ?

nohup dsmcad &   

3) How to start B/A client in web-browser ?


4) How to start the TSM LANFree storage agent services in AIX ?

# cd  /usr/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/bin

nohup ./dsmsta &        

5) How to check the TSM services are running in AIX ?

ps -ef | grep -i  dsmserv    

6) How to start the TSM services in AIX ?

For TSM 5.5 --> # cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
For TSM 6.X --> # cd /opt/tivoli/tsm/server/bin

and then run below command to start in background

./dsmserv &

7) How to kill the TSM services in AIX ?

First check the services by using ---- > ps -ef | grep -i dsmserv

It will list out the process id's, then cancel the process id by using below command

kill -9 <PID no>

8) How to check the tape devices list in AIX ?

lsdev -Cc tape

9) How to check the adapters in AIX ?

lsdev -Cc adapter

10) How to check the errors in OS level in AIX ?

errpt -a 

11) How to check the tape serial number in AIX ?

lscfg -vpl <devicename> (Ex- rmt1)

12) How to create the new file in AIX ?

cat>file name   OR
touch <filename>    OR
vi <filename>

13) How  to read last 200 lines in any file ?

tail -200 <filename>

14) How to check the file size in AIX ?

df -k <filesystemname> (To check in kbs)

df -m <filesystemname>(To check in mbs)

df -g <filesystemname> (To check in gbs)

15) How to verify the list of files in a directory ?

ls -ltr

16) How to change the ownership of the file ?

chown username:groupname <filename>

17) How to copy the file from one dir to another dir ?

cp <filename> /dir/dir/<filename>

18) How to check  the IP address in AIX ?

ifconfig -a

19) How to check the hostname of the server ?

# hostname

20) How to check the communication b/w from one server to another server in AIX ?

ping ipaddress

21) How to check if the port number is working or not in AIX ?

netstat -an <portnumber>

exnetstat -an 1500

22) How to create a new directory in AIX ?

mkdir <directoryname>

23) how to move (cut/paste) the files form one directory to another directory in AIX?

mv   /dir1/dir2<filename>  /dir4/dir5/dir6/<filename>

24) To remove/delete the directory and files in AIX ?

rmdir -r <dirname>       -r --> deletes subdirectories also

25) To check which software applications are installed in AIX ?

To check TSM, run ------- >   lslpp - l tivoli.tsm*

26) How to edit any file, for example dsm.sys file ?

vi dsm.sys

use i to go to insert mode, a to append mode , x to delete letters

27) How to change permissions of a file/directory ?

 # chmod 777 <file/dirname>

28) How to configure tape devices in AIX ?

Running cfgmgr command will scan all the devices attached to the AIX machine

# cfgmgr

29) How to install any software packages in AIX ?

using # smitty installp OR

# installp -agXd /softwares/install.bin
Ex: # installp -agXd .tsmsoft/install.bin

30) How to uninstall software packages for example all the tsm client softwares ?

# smitty remove tivoli.tsm.*

# installp -ug tivoli.tsm.*

Go to /opt/tivoli/tsm/_uninst and run  ./Uninstall_Tivoli_Storage_Manager -i console command  

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