Install the support tools on windows 2003 server ~ Up_to_date_with_ me

Saturday 4 July 2015

Install the support tools on windows 2003 server

Install the support tools on windows 2003 server

Support Tools (support tools) can be useful to see if there is a problem on your server. However, on Windows 2003 server, they are not installed by default.
To install, just go to this page for download:
Just run the file and follow the instructions for that after few clicks.
Then, just go to the directory C: \ Program Files \ Support Tools (command-line course).
Here is the list of tools:
- Acldiag.exe
- Addiag.exe
- Apmstat.exe
- Binddif.exe
- Bitsadmin.exe
- Browstat.exe
- Cabarc.exe
- Dcdiag.exe
- Depends.exe
- Devcon.exe
- Dfsutil.exe
- Dhcploc.exe
- Diruse.exe
- Dmdiag.exe
- Dnscmd.exe
- Dnslint.exe
- Dsacls.exe
- Dsastat.exe
- Dskprobe.exe
- Efsinfo.exe
- Exctrlst.exe
- Filever.exe
- Ftonline.exe
- Getsid.exe
- Gflags.exe
- Httpcfg.exe
- Iasparse.exe
- Ksetup.exe
- Ktpass.exe
- Ldp.exe
- Memsnap.exe
- Movetree.exe
- Msicuu.exe
- Msizap.exe
- Netcap.exe
- Netdiag.exe
- Netdom.exe
- Nltest.exe
- Ntfrsutl.exe
- Poolmon.exe
- Portqry.exe
- Remote.exe
- Repadmin.exe
- Replmon.exe
- Rsdiag.exe
- Rsdir.exe
- Sdcheck.exe
- Setspn.exe
- Shoaccs.exe
- Sidwalk.exe
- Spcheck.exe
- Windiff.exe
- Xcacls.exe

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