How to Integrate TSM Fastback Server with TSM Server to protect FastBack Client Data
TSM Fastback Integration with TSM Server Steps
Before you can use the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Configuration wizard for FastBack, you must perform some tasks.
- Ensure that either the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack server, or the FastBack Disaster Recovery Hub, is installed and configured for short-term data retention. Also make sure that at least one snapshot has been taken.
- Ensure that the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client is properly configured with a Tivoli Storage Manager server. Also make sure that the Tivoli Storage Manager client acceptor service (dsmcad.exe) is running. You can use the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Configuration wizard in the Tivoli Storage Manager Java™ GUI, after you install the backup-archive client.
- You must perform a one-time post-installation setup for these purposes:
- To specify a FastBack user name and password to be used by the wizard, to query and mount volumes from the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack repository
- To run Tivoli Storage Manager Scheduler scripts
- Set up the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack credentials file:
- The user ID that you specify must have Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack administrative authority. To configure the user ID and password, run this command on the workstation where the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client and FastBack server or Hub are installed:
cd <TSM_FastBack_install_location>\FastBack\shell
The <TSM_FastBack_install_location> is the base directory location where Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack client is installed. - Now create a folder called FastbackTSMScripts under the system drive of the workstation, if it does not exist, using the following command:
mkdir <machine_system_drive>:\FastbackTSMScripts
- Now run the fastbackshell command:FastBackShell -c encrypt -u userName -d domain -p password -f<machine_system_drive>:\FastbackTSMScripts\credential.txtThe following options are used in this command:
- -u specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack admin user name.
- -p specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack admin password.
- -d specifies the Tivoli Storage Manager FastBack domain for the user name.
- -f specifies the output file where the encrypted credentials are to be written.
The credentials file must be generated with the name "credential.txt". The credentials file must also be located in the "FastbackTSMScripts" directory of the system drive of the workstation, for the wizard to function properly.
You can use the client configuration in the backup-archive client Java GUI or the backup-archive Web client which are show in below screenshots
Below Screenshots explains more how to Integrate TSM FastBack and TSM Server
- Initially register the TSM Backup/Archive Client which takes backup of FBclient data in FastBack Server to TSM Server as a client node as shown below. Node Name I used is tsm. Register a Tivoli Storage Manager node for each FastBack client where Tivoli Storage Manager backs up or archives data. The node name must be the short host name of the FastBack client.
- Now Install TSM B/A client on the Fastback Server.
- After Installation, open TSM Client Configuration Wizard to define dsm.opt file and set required parameters.
- Go through all the steps that required B/A client to communicate with TSM Server and click Finish.
- Now open TSM Setup Wizard to define client and webclient scheduler using DSMCAD as shown below.
- Similarly Configure TSM Webclient Service by using the following wizard.
- Now create a folder called FastbackTSMScripts under the system drive of the workstation, if it does not exist, as shown below.
- Now we need to generate credential.txt file by using the belwo command.
FastBackShell -c encrypt -u userName -d domain -p password -f<machine_system_drive>:\FastbackTSMScripts\credential.txt
This command will store the credentials of the fastbackserver, and allows B/A client to access its repositories for the Backup to TSM Server.
- Now open the TSM Client Configuration wizard and select Help me configure the client to protect the Fastback Client data.
- Make Sure you did all the said requiremetns. If you do not configure the credential.txt file properly, you cannot able to go to next step here in this wizard.
- Select TSM FastBack policy and client & volumes to be protected by TSM Server and click Next.
- Check the protection options, protection type and client name as below and click Next.
- Specify the schedule options and times as required.
- Specify the TSM Server Administrator User Id and password to define the TSM Schedule.
- Now, register fastback client as client node in TSM Server as shown below.
- Finally its time to double all your configurations to confirm and apply. Then click Finish.
- You can also check in TSM server if the schedule for protecting FastBack client data has been correctly done or not by using Q event * * command.
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