How to check and monitor Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) RecoveryLog health status ~ Up_to_date_with_ me

Saturday 27 June 2015

How to check and monitor Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) RecoveryLog health status

How to check and monitor Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) RecoveryLog health status


Tivoli Storage Manager RecoveryLog

    1)     How to check the log mode? And how to change it?
You can check Q status. There you can find the mode.
You can change the mode using Set log mode roll forward
   2)     How to check the current recovery log information?
      Using this command you can check the current recovery log information Q log f=d
   3)     How to define a mirror copy of RECOVERY LOG?
Define logcopy  volumename  copyvolumename  formatsize=MB  wait=yes/no
   4)     How to check the % utilization of recovery log?
Using this command you can check the % utilization of recovery log Q log
   5)     How to check the number of log volumes?
 Using this command you can check the number of volumes Q logvol
   6)     What is recovery log pinning?
  The recovery log might appear to be out of space, when it is being pinned by an operation or combination of operations on the server. A pinned recovery log is where space in the recovery log cannot be reclaimed and used by current transactions because an existing transaction is processing slowly or is hung.
   7)     What will happen when recovery log is pinning?
When it is being pinned by an operation or combination of operations on the server. A pinned recovery log is where space in the recovery log cannot be reclaimed and used by current transactions because an existing transaction is processing slowly or is hung.
   8)     What are the actions we have to take when recovery log is pinning by any session or process?
If the recovery log is pinned, repeatedly issue the SHOW LOGPINNED command over many minutes. If this reports the same client session or server processes as pinning the recovery log, you might take action to cancel or terminate that operation in order to keep the recovery log from running out of space. To cancel or terminate a session or process that is pinning the recovery log, issue the SHOW LOGPINNED CANCEL command
   9)     Recovery log utilization reached 90% and above, what are the actions you have to take to avoid TSM SERVER Crash?
First issue the SHOW LOGPIN Command, then cancels the pinning session. If it is less than 13 GB, Then we can  extend the log volume. 
   10)   How to find out the RECOVERY LOG VOLUMES Location?
Using this command, you can find out the recovery log volumes Q logvol f=d
   11)   How to format a LOG VOLUME from OS PROMPT?
You can create volume for log in OS level
C:\Program files\Tivoli\TSM\Console\dsmfmt –log c:\ven\log.dsm   512
 Then you can extend log in server mode.
C:\Program files\Tivoli\TSM\Server\dsmserv extend log c:\ven\log.dsm 512   
   12)   How to EXTEND the LOG from OS PROMPT?
You can extend log in server mode.
C:\Program files\Tivoli\TSM\Server\dsmserv extend log c:\ven\log.dsm 512 
   13)   How to define space trigger for LOG?
TSM prepares an additional space when predetermined thresholds have been exceeded in the recovery log. 
Define spacetrigger LogFullpct=80 spaceexpansion=20   Expansionprefix=c: \TSMServer mirrorprefixs=”F:\mirror1, G:\mirror2” Maximumsize=megabytes STGPOOL=storagepoolname  
          Tivoli Storage Manager uses to create recovery log copy volumes. Then Increase the size of the LOG using “EXTEND” command.

   14)   What is the use of SHOW LOGPIN command?
It will show the which client session or server processes is pinning the recovery log
   15)   How to check the Current LOG Transaction related information?
Q log f=d
Related commands:
Define logcopy
Define logvolume
Extend log
Reduce log
Reset log maxutilization
   16)   How to delete a LOG VOLUME? 
Delete logvol volumename
   17)   What is the MAX size of RECOVERY LOG ?
   The maximum size of recovery log is 13 GB in TSM 5.5 and 128GB in TSM 6.X versions.
   18)   In which LOG mode, we cannot extend the LOG?
   In normal mode, we cannot extend the log.

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