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Saturday 27 June 2015

5.7 How to Check errors in tape volumes and move data to another tape volumes

1) You can use the MOVE DATA command to move files from one volume to another volume in the same or a different storage pool by using the following command.

move data volume_name
move data volume_name STGpool=pool_name

2) You can also use the MOVE NODEDATA command to move file spaces for a node from one storage pool to another by using the following command.

move nodedata node_name fromstgpool=source_STGpool tostgpool=target_STGpool

3) Before you delete a storage pool, be sure that you move all the data that you need to retain to another storage pool by using the move data command. 

4) You can use the move nodedata command to move data in a sequential access storage pool for one or more nodes. The command is useful to consolidate data for a specific node within a storage pool. This consolidation helps reduce the number of volume mounts required during a restore operation.

5) You can also use the move nodedata command to move data for a node to a different storage pool. This action is helpful to prepare for client restore processing by first moving data to a random access storage pool. The move nodedata process performs the following tasks
  • Creates a list of nodes and file spaces to move, according to the criteria that the user specifies in the move nodedata command.
  • Starts a queue thread to determine a list of volumes to process.
Τhe volumes added to this list meet the following criteria:
  • Have data for the node and file spaces that the user specifies.
6) The volumes list that is created also becomes the list of volumes to exclude. After the queue thread finishes, a process thread starts. The MAXPROCESS parameter determines the number of process threads that start. Each process thread that starts performs the following tasks
  • Selects a volume from the volume list.
  • Processes each bit file in the volume to determine whether it must be moved.
  • Uses the move data functions to batch up the file and to move the bit file.
7) The RECONSTRUCT option specifies whether to reconstruct file aggregates during data movement. Reconstruction removes empty space that has accumulated during deletion of logical files from an aggregate.

How to check the errors in Storage Pool Tape Volumes

Use AUDIT VOLUME command to check the inconsistencies between database information and a storage pool volume. While an audit process is active, clients cannot restore data from the specified volume or store new data to that volume.

If the server detects a file with errors, handling of the file will depend on the type of storage pool to which the volume belongs, whether the FIX option is specified on this command, and whether the file is also stored on a volume assigned to other pools.

If Tivoli Storage Manager does not detect errors for a file that was marked as damaged, the state of the file is reset so that it can be used.

If the AUDIT VOLUME command does not detect an error in a file that was previously marked as damaged, Tivoli Storage Manager resets the state of the file so that it can be used. This provides a means for resetting the state of damaged files if it is determined that the errors were caused by a correctable hardware problem such as a dirty tape head.

The Tivoli Storage Manager server will not delete archive files that are on deletion hold. If archive retention protection is enabled, the Tivoli Storage Manager server will not delete archive files whose retention period has not expired.

You can use the following command syntax to audit the volume for checking errors.

audit volume volume_name fix=no/yes

Fix Parameter description
Specifies how the server resolves inconsistencies between the database inventory and the specified storage pool volume. This parameter is optional. The default is NO. The actions the server performs depend on whether the volume is assigned to a primary or a copy storage pool.

For Primary Storage Pool Volumes:

Tivoli Storage Manager reports, but does not delete, database records that refer to files with inconsistencies. Tivoli Storage Manager marks the file as damaged in the database. If a backup copy is stored in a copy storage pool, you can restore the file using the RESTORE VOLUME or RESTORE STGPOOL command.

If the file is a cached copy, you must delete references to the file on this volume by issuing the AUDIT VOLUME command and specifying FIX=YES. If the physical file is not a cached copy, and a duplicate is stored in a copy storage pool, it can be restored by using the RESTORE VOLUME or RESTORE STGPOOL command.

The server fixes any inconsistencies as they are detected. If the physical file is a cache copy, the server deletes the database records that refer to the cached file. The primary file is stored on another volume. If the physical file is not a cached copy, and the file is also stored in one or more copy storage pools, the error will be reported and the physical file marked as damaged in the database. You can restore the physical file by using the RESTORE VOLUME or RESTORE STGPOOL command.

If the physical file is not a cached copy, and the physical file is not stored in a copy storage pool, each logical file for which inconsistencies are detected are deleted from the database.
If archive retention protection is enabled by using the SET ARCHIVERETENTIONPROTECTION command, a cached copy of data can be deleted if needed. Data in primary and copy storage pools can only be marked damaged and never deleted.

Do not use the AUDIT VOLUME command with FIX=YES if a restore process (RESTORE STGPOOL or RESTORE VOLUME) is running. The AUDIT VOLUME command could cause the restore to be incomplete.

For Copy Storage Pool Volumes:

The server reports the error and marks the physical file copy as damaged in the database.

The server deletes any references to the physical file and any database records that point to a physical file that does not exist.

Watch the below video to learn how to audit a volume and move data to another volumes.

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