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Saturday 27 June 2015

11.4 Additional TSM Client Schedule Options

After configuring the TSM Client schedules, you can manage the performance of these schedules with some additional parameters. Several processing options impact the performance of the client scheduler. You can define most of these options in the client options file, dsm.opt or dsm.sys, on the Tivoli Storage Manager client. You can also set some of these options globally on the Tivoli Storage Manager server by using set opt command for all Tivoli Storage Manager clients. Following are some of them

The MAXCMDRETRIES parameter specifies the maximum number of times that the client scheduler on your workstation attempts to process a scheduled command that fails. The Tivoli Storage Manager administrator can also set this option. If the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator specifies a value for this option, that value overrides the value specified in the client options file. The override occurs only after your client node successfully contacts the Tivoli Storage Manager server. All clients support this option.

The RETRYPERIOD parameter specifies the number of minutes for the client scheduler to wait between attempts to run a scheduled command that fails or between unsuccessful attempts to report results to the server. The Tivoli Storage Manager administrator can also set this option. If the Tivoli Storage Manager administrator specifies a value for this option, that value overrides your value in the client option file. The override occurs only after your client node successfully contacts the Tivoli Storage Manager server. All clients support this option. For UNIX clients, this option goes in the client system options file.

Use the Set retryperiod command to specify the number of minutes that the scheduler on a client node waits between retry attempts. The retries occur after a failed attempt to contact the server or after a scheduled command fails to run.

Clients can set their own retry period at the time that their scheduler program starts. You can use the Set retryperiod command to set a global value for the retry period, which overrides the value that all clients specify. The value for the client is overridden only if the client connects with the server. When setting the period between retry attempts, set a time period that permits more than one retry attempt within a typical startup window. Use the Set retryperiod command in conjunction with the set maxcmdretries command to regulate the period of time and the number of retry attempts to run a failed command.

The SCHEDLOGNAME parameter specifies the name and location of a file for Tivoli Storage Manager to store the schedule log. For UNIX clients, this option goes in the client system options file. When you run the schedule command, output from scheduled commands is shown in the window and can be directed to the file that you specify with this option.

The SCHEDLOGMAX parameter specifies the maximum size of the schedule log, in megabytes. Log records are added to the end of the file until the maximum specified size is reached. When the maximum specified size is reached, a Continue at beginning of file log record is placed as the last record in the file. The end of the wrapped log is indicated by an END OF DATA log record. Log messages that are overwritten by wrapping are not saved in a prune file, as they are with the pruning method of log size management. If you change from SCHEDLOGMAX to SCHEDLOGRETENTION, all records in the existing log are copied to the pruned log, dsmsched.pru, the existing log is emptied, and the logging begins under the new log wrapping criterion.

The SCHEDLOGRETENTION parameter specifies the number of days to keep entries in the schedule log and whether to save the pruned entries. Tivoli Storage Manager prunes the log after every schedule runs if you specify Tivoli Storage Manager to prune. The default is not to prune the log. For UNIX clients, this option goes in the client system options file.

The SCHEDCMDDISABLE parameter specifies whether to disable the scheduling of generic commands that your Tivoli Storage Manager administrator specifies.

The MANAGEDSERVICES parameter specifies whether the Storage Manager Client Acceptor service manages the web client, the scheduler, or both.

An administrator with system privileges can set the MAXSCHEDSESSIONS parameter. Use the SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS command to regulate the number of sessions that the server can use to process scheduled work. This command specifies the maximum number of scheduled sessions as a percentage of the total number of server sessions that are available.
To check, issue a query status. The MAXSCHEDSESSIONS parameter is shown as a number, not a percentage. Change this setting if client nodes receive messages about server sessions not being available when they try to run scheduled events. If scheduled sessions do not contact the server, you might have a network error.

The QUERYSCHEDPERIOD value for this parameter can be set by each client node at the time the client scheduler program starts. You can set a global value for the period between the attempts by the client to contact the server for scheduled work. This value overrides the value that the client specifies. Use the SET QUERYSCHEDPERIOD command to regulate the frequency that client nodes contact the server to obtain scheduled work. Use this command when the client nodes run in the client polling mode.

Use the QUERYSCHEDPERIOD option to specify the number of hours for the client scheduler to wait between attempts to contact the Tivoli Storage Manager server for scheduled work. This option applies only when the DSMC SCHEDMODE option is set to POLLING. Tivoli Storage Manager uses this option only when the dsmc schedule command is running.

Additional server prompted options

The TCPCLIENTADDRESS parameter specifies a TCP/IP address if your client node has more than one address, and you want the server to contact a different address than the one from the initial contact with the server. 

The TCPCLIENTPORT parameter specifies a TCP/IP port number if you want the Tivoli Storage Manager server to contact a different port than the one from the initial contact with the server. If the default or specified port is busy, Tivoli Storage Manager attempts to use any other available port. For UNIX clients, this option goes in the client system options file.

Preschedule and Postschedule options

Options are available for preschedule processing and postschedule processing during the client schedule process execution. These options can be overwritten by using the OPTION parameter in the schedule definition. You can run operating system scripts before and after the client schedule by using these 2 options. Remember that if the OS script fails the TSM schedule will also fails. PRESCHEDULECMD and PRENSCHEDULECMD specify client operating system commands that you want run before the Tivoli Storage Manager schedule process. 
  • The PRESCHEDULECMD schedule process waits for the client OS commands to finish before running. For example, preschedulecmd "c:\script.bat"
  • The PRENSCHEDULECMD schedule process does not wait for the client OS commands to finish before running. For example, prenschedulecmd "/tmp/del.sh"

Randomize option

The purpose of randomizing the start time is scattering scheduled work across the startup window. Randomizing balances the load on the server and the load on the networks without having to duplicate schedules, except for their start times. At the start of the backup process, the sever generates a list of the clients that are scheduled for backups. Randomization spreads out the start up times.

The Set randomize command specifies the degree that start times are randomized within the startup window of each schedule for clients that use the client polling mode. The maximum percentage of randomization allowed is 50%. This limit ensures that half of the startup window is available to retry scheduled commands that fail. To set randomization to 50%, enter the following command:   set randomize 50
- See more at: http://www.tsmtutorials.com/2014/11/additional-client-schedule-options.html#sthash.wqgnmIKH.dpuf

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